Our Services
Eight Embers Wellness offer a wide range of healing modalities, all stemming from Chinese medicine. For any questions regarding our treatments visit our contact page

Acupuncture involves the gentle insertion of very thin stainless-steel single-use disposable needles into specific points on the body to stimulate nerve conduction, increase blood flow, reduce inflammation, release endorphins for pain and strengthen the immune system. Acupuncture is effective in the treatment of several conditions including pain relief, women's health, digestive health, respiratory relief and emotional well being.

Cupping therapy is a technique that involves placing glass cups on the skin and using a suction device to create a vacuum to gently raise the skin and underlying tissue. This creates space between the skin and muscles which encourages blood flow, releasing tension and tightness in muscles and fascia. Cupping promotes lymphatic drainage, detoxification, and improves circulation.

Moxibustion is the burning of Moxa which is known as the herb Mugwort. Moxa stimulates acupuncture points improving the flow of qi, increasing blood circulation, nourishing the body, and improving energy by strengthening the immune system.

Gua Sha
Gua sha, also called scraping, is a technique used in conjunction with cupping to loosen the fascia and muscles. It increases the local circulation and stimulates the healing of connective tissues and promotes pain relief.

Acupuncture Injection Therapy
Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy (APIT) is the injection of a small amount of a sterile substance such as a vitamin or homeopathic remedy into acupuncture points. The advantage of using the function of acupuncture points is that it enhances the therapeutic effect and prolongs the stimulation of acupuncture points. APIT affects the body on a deeper level therefore creating lasting effects and increasing the benefits of your acupuncture treatment.

Nutritional Counseling
The foods we eat are an important part of the healing process and are a powerful tool for supporting hormones, blood sugar, sleep, bowel movements, energy, mood and much more. Knowing how to nourish your body can be difficult because there is no, “one size fits all” path or approach. We recommend a dietary plan and supplements to help support your individual goals and get your body back to optimal health.
Injectables available in our office (APIT)
- Zeel
- Traumeel
- Calmvalera
- Vitamin B12
Traumeel: (a natural alternative to cortisone injections as an anti-inflammatory) Used for pain caused by any of the following: acute injuries, repetitive and overuse injuries like tendonitis, tennis elbow, chronic pain, back ache, muscle pain or migraines. Zeel: Bone pain, degenerative arthritis, joint stiffness, osteoarthritis Calmvalera: Restlessness, sleep disorders and insomnia, depression, mental exhaustion.